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Everything posted by jimveta

  1. Wow, this is the first time I've visited since about the time I submitted this ages ago.. Anyways, although it's obviously too late for this, I'd still like to greatly apologize for any misunderstanding! I certainly did use Trip_Machine's remix, and thought I had mentioned that this was simply a remix of his own remix in my submission.. (and in the original mp3 ID3 tags as well) In fact, I wanted to make sure of the attribution by keeping the same remix title. I don't recall any contact info in the midi file either but I could be wrong. Whatever the case, I should've made sure the page had proper credits and I messed up I'm glad that OCremix was able to rectify the situation though. And to be honest when I listen to the song now, I feel and am not sure if I did Trip_Machine a service or a disservice. Certainly then I thought, hmm.. good enough, I'm satisfied, submit, lol. But I think DJpretzel was just too much of a Mr Nice Guy at the time, before the rest of the crew came onboard if I recall (with the yellow/orange web page). Definitely would not past muster now with so much talent here. Heck, I'm asking to remove my Turok submission here.. gah.. not even a real 'remix'.
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