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Needle of Juntah

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  1. Aww that sucks, at least you didnt say never Either way its on youtube for all now, and i dont have to spend 30 mins to an hour trying to sync it right every time i want to hear it anymore so thats good too There is a more perfect version of this but it really doesnt fix any of the clutter of the piano and other cluttery things but it does sync up the Cymbals perfectly and is basically sounds the same but its hard to do, Ill try to get it right and repost on youtube but probably wont say much more here. THANK YOU GUYS enjoy the beauty of whatever it is that this is LOL -never emperor-
  2. Lol sounds like there are someones hurt because i make more beautiful music than them ON ACCIDENT LOL and they are so consecrated in their ways they cannot even enjoy something they should have never heard for what it is. bye forum trolls... i hope some of you like this... since im not a musician AT ALL youll never see me on these forums again, C U guys byeeeee if i stumble upon something else ill be sure to leave it on a different forum, sorry the good people have to be lumped with the bad BTW you can put it under Jaysons name and name it whatever you want, this was an accident. ok off to work
  3. I never said this was a original work or that i did anything to this. Im not a musician or anything like that, i dont have any editing software or know anything about that kind of stuff either. Rozovian can apparently read, I told you all exactly what i did. Not only have i heard 10X worse mixes on this site even recently but i would like you to do what i did and get the same result with any mix of your choice. thank you guys oh and NO this isnt a Gdamn April foolz joke, if you think that Your probably the fool. Thank you
  4. haha thanks for the comment, i really thought this might get deleted. but yeah i think when i was like 14 or 15 years old i opened up 2 different music players with this song and it came out something like this.. which is what i meant when i just stumbled upon it. i didnt do ANYTHING and i dont know how to do anything to edit this or make it better..... i could probably "make it better" but this is about as good as "it" gets so thanks i hope some people at least are enjoying this, you should never have had the chance to hear this because i should have died sometime within my teen years a couple of times so i hope some of you like this enough to listen to it more than once or twice, im 24 now thank you
  5. Ive only posted on the forums one time before about a song I literally stumbled upon. Well I finally stopped being a nub and got it recorded and I Uploaded it on Youtube. Its actually a mix from Jayson Litrio, but I turned it into something else. It would be cool if it was added to the site I dont care if you say its by Jayson because it really sort of is... So here it is.
  6. Ok just to start off i know this is my first post. Ive actually been comming to this site for at least 5 or 6 years, just to listen to my favorite mixs n such. And probably about 5 or 6 years ago i came upon a mix that was decent and i liked it but it was just missing somthing so i did the only thing i knew how to do and thats "adjust" it a bit. Thing is it turned out great but i have no idea how to record this. So here i am 6 years later still listening to this mix every few months or whatnot and now i want to share it with you guys but i need some help with recording programs n whatever else. SO PLEASE if anyone can help me or is interested please Email me at Juntahh@aemail4u.com AOL instant msg me at : Needle of Juntah this isnt like somthing im expecting tons of feedback over but like, if you like ZELDA remixes please try to help me a bit. Hopefully we can get this released
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