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Posts posted by Maph

  1. It sounds midi-esque and it makes everything sound really awkward.

    Sometimes even good ideas can sound terrible without proper balance, orchestration, and/or atmosphere. It might sound decent with proper synths, but at its current state, it really doesn't catch on.

    Yeah, that's something I'm leaving until the end. Once I'm through with composition and arrangement.

  2. There aren't ANY Starwolf mixes on this site, and that's a crime. So I've set out to make my first ever remix one of Starwolf's theme. It's nowhere near completion, but I'd like to know what you guys think so far.


    Click on the one titled "Space Wolf" (you don't want to hear the others).

    Before you start harping on me for it, I realize the samples I have at the moments sound like crap. I'm working on it.

    Weird. I just noticed there's 30 seconds of nothing at the end (well not the real end, I just haven't gotten any farther yet).

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