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  1. thanks for the opinions im sad you guys didnt notice some of the coolest characteristics of the song, the mix itself, and maybe didnt apreciate propperly the complexity of the solo. maybe you attribute more value to other proprieties. I didnt change it much, because i made as a "what if sega re-released the game with better graphics" kind of thing (just as they did with the new fan-made version "streets of rage"), and that was my sole intention, with a little personalization. But then again, this is a remix forum, so i understand your criteria. Thank you again
  2. thanks for the opinions im sad you guys didnt notice some of the coolest characteristics of the song, the mix itself, and maybe didnt apreciate propperly the complexity of the solo. maybe you attribute more value to other proprieties. I didnt change it much, because i made as a "what if sega re-released the game with better graphics" kind of thing (just as they did with the new fan-made version "streets of rage"), and that was my sole intention, with a little personalization. SlimToad said the "execution wasnt bad". Maybe he has really high standarts. I must disagree though. i dont want to sound conceited, but musically, i'm very proud of it. (meaning i think it sounds kick-ass lol) But then again, this is a remix forum, so i understand your criteria. Thank you again
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