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  1. I just did , but it still doesnt play other notes than C Yeah, I used it before and there isnt any issues with zones, in fact I can play thru midi without any problems in cakewalk, but I need to use FL´s soundfonts and vst. As I said I only have this problem in FL, so it must be some setting mess up. Here is the "midi settings" windows, see if theres anything weird http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1la2.jpg And here is the main window: For example: here I have 3 channels: 1- Sounfont, 2-Wavestation vst, 3- Bass vst. When I play C on the keyboard it makes the 1ºchannel (soundfont) sound, when I play D the wavestation vst sounds, and E for the bass. Some weird disposal of the keys is setted, but I dont know how to configure it so I can play all notes of one single channel. Also, all 3 channels play the note C, so for example I play D and the 2ºchannel plays C, play E and the bass plays C.
  2. Hello, I have this problem: I want to run a vsti or a sf2 and play it thru midi ( i have my keyboard connected with a usb/midi cable), but the problem is it just plays one note (c5), all other notes i play on the keyboard dont sound. As a matter of fact, other notes do sound, but not in the first channel where i put the vst, the following D, E and F seems to be linked to play the "clap", "hi hat" and "snare" that you have as default when FL starts. I mess around with the "preview keyboard" and reset on the "misc", try to shdow all the keyboard, and try to enable all the keyboard, but it only plays if cliked, cant be controlled by the keyboard. Whats wrong? Can you guys help me? Will I have to compose only one note songs? Thanks!
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