I think the 8 bit thing would have been fine if they cleaned it up and made the environments look appropriate to the systems. I think it's just a cop-out. And I'm usually the person who cares about gameplay more than graphics (i.e. I like Castlevania: SOTN better than CoD4).
Unless of course there's a TON of material in the game, and then I'll be cool with it.
True, however, I don't see a remake of that on the horizon, which is a damn shame.
And CT telling people that RPGs used to be about the gamer is part of where the 'good games came from' argument.
I'll be buying it for the sheer portable goodness of having my first RPG ever with me at all times. Added whatnot or not, it'll be good for ::commence old man voice:: all these young whippersnappers to see where good games came from!::end old man voice::