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Posts posted by dangavster

  1. Ive never really gotten into the Street Fighter series, but a friend of mine asked me to do a REMAKE of Cammy's Theme from SF2 and i thought, what the hell right? Might as well. Sounds like fun.

    So i gave it a rock edge and an ambient Jazzy feel.

    (yeah i know its not a remix, and im not submitting it to OC, just posting it here for everyone's listening pleasure)



    Or you can View it here:


  2. hey i know how ya feel, i wanted Ministry of rock for ages! and i still never got it... by sheer luck i managed to get LPC, because my friend got it and when he visited he installed the first 2 dvd's on my PC to test it out before he headed home. I just figured... why delete it.. might as well use it. If i had the money, i'd buy the whole thing myself. but,.... beggers cant be choosers.. -_-

    anyways, glad ya like the track, i'll definately get round to remixing SOMETHING (if not May's Theme) from the Guilty Gear series!

  3. Hey guys, I have been working on a Remake of "Blue Water, Blue Sky" From Guilty Gear XX Reload. And i am planning to do a remix of it (once i get out of this creative slump im in. -_- )

    Anyhow, ive always been trying to find the best VST electric guitar out there, so that i can make realistic rock tracks without having to learn how to play the guitar. So I thought, before i remix this track. lets see how my VST guitar holds out with this Guilty Gear Track.

    What do you guys think? Do the guitars sound convincing enough? Should i go ahead and remix this track?



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