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Posts posted by Braxter

  1. God almighty. Sooner or later, MMORPGs won't even bother including classes. You'll just have a bunch of races to play as that all fit a certain archetype. HAY GUYZ EVERY SINGLE ELF IN THE WORLD IS AN ARCHER. ISN'T THIS FUN.

    Hi Guys, I joined this forum just to answer some of your questions regarding PW. First of, I been loving this games since I played it more than 2 months now. I am by from the Philippines so I play on our local server there. I have a lvl 63 Human Mage. I think the only difference between PW.MY and PW.PH is the former had more of the latest stuffs. But the "Engrish" you talked about are both present. Luckily, there are some websites that offer "Walkthoughs" and mob locations if you ever get stuck.

    Just some details:

    Inroduction on Characters:

    3 Character types with 2 Classes for each. Human have Warrior and Mage Class; Winged Elf Type have Priest and Archer; Beast Type have WareBeast(Tanker) and WareFox(Tamer). Beast Type are gender locked but the others have both female and male selection.

    On Equipments:

    Each character can wear Helm, Armor, Pants, Armlet, Cape, Boots and some necklaces and rings as long as the char satisfies the items stat requirement. 3 types of equipes: Heavy, Light and Mystics). Only few weapons (Holy weapons, etc) are locked on a certain class, hence an Archers can yield a bow or a sword or an Axe or a fist as long as he satisfies the STR and DEX requirement for it.

    On Leveling:

    In PW, Doing quest can give you tons of XP in the beginning so it is very fast to level up to 40 but becomes slow aafterwards. As to date our local GMs have fixed the bot and jump hack problems before they spread big time, so no worries on those kind of people there. Quest can range to killing x number of monsters to just doing errands or meeting some NPC. At certain levels, there are some quests that are repeatable each day so that helps a lot in leveling.

    At every 10 levels, you get an instance quest (cave quest) where you need to party up with higher level char to kill the boss, the higher levels can get the same XP as you do on that quest so usually they are willing to help.

    On Crafting:

    There are craft leveling for Forging weapons, armors, herbs and necklaces. You can try to get some very good items using craft, if you don't like the craft's result, you can always sell it to NPC, other players or put it on the auction.

    On Pets:

    Quite standard on othe MMORPG. Some pets are huge but only the WareFox can use pets for battle, for other classes, it's just for show. Included here are the mountable pets which does not actually fight but just take you faster to different locations of the map.


    I'd say there are enough skills here and quite good graphics specially on the higher level skills. Anyway to learn skills, you have to go to a certain NPC for your class (Master NPC) and each skill have esteem(ranking) and level requirement and cost some yuan (in game money) plus soul points (skill points). Awesome AOEs for most char on level 60 and up.


    I think this is also one of the differences between PH and MY. At level 30, you can do PK and you can be PKed but in PH server, you can still choose not to engage on PKs by not enabling the PK mode. In this case, you just engage in proper Duel and not be hit behind your back.

    So I highly recommend this game. I am also planning to play the NA version hopefully this is no IP Ban for Asia here. I'm excited to play on a different community this time.

    By the way, this is really a free MMORPG. The company just earns money if you buy some stuffs in the Item Mall. But still the prices are not that high compared to others. Of course this will be dependent on the server.


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