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Everything posted by simbeaver21

  1. Hmm. Interesting. I would like to try a Wind Waker remix too.
  2. Here's the source one. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/ff3over.mid Well, from what I could find on VGMUSIC.COM. But you kind of have to understand the story behind it. I was just messing around with Fruity Loops over at a friend's house. I came up with the opening of this remix and I was sitting there and said, "Ok, now I have writers block. I have no idea where to go from here." And my friend says, "Well, that sounds a lot like Terra's theme." And then I went on from there to create what I did. And then once I got done with the acoustic part of the melody, my friend says, "well, make this next part more progressive-rock-like." So I tried to transition it from acoustic guitar, to electric rhythm and lead guitar, with a keyboard and drums and bass guitar. And then after I completed the transition, I was just like, "How can I make this as progressive as I can without going too far outside of the borders of the melody and still keep it all in check?" And that's what I came up with. Also, I don't know if you noticed, but I added a little bit of the Final Fantasy theme in there as well in the bass line and the keyboard at one point.
  3. Or maybe I should just not sit on that one for too long and maybe focus on this one? http://rapidshare.com/files/132717764/Terra_s_Tears.mp3.html Any thoughts? Any comments?
  4. Thanks for the constructive criticism. I will work on it some more.
  5. Hello everyone, first time Remixer here. I've made quite a few remixes in my day. But I finally got the courage to submit one... and it was denied. I will give you the download link here. Please give it a listen and I would appreciate ANY feedback you could give me. http://rapidshare.com/files/132573714/Zelda_s_Sweet_Lullaby.mp3 Thank you very much.
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