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The Glock

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    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio

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  1. Hey everyone! First time poster, long time follower. Anyways, http://www.tindeck.com/audio/filestore/d/dmxu-Nunez%20-%20Mushroom%20Funk.mp3 This is a remix of Mushroom Hill Zone. I want to first off say that I am not any kind of musician or DJ. I can't read music, or distinguish the difference between a E-Flat or a D-minor. I'm just a guy who's been screwing around with FL Studio for a few years and really impressed with some of the work here, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Personally, I've felt there haven't been enough Sonic remix with enough "soul" in them. So I guess this my shot at it. The piano is just a placeholder until I can find something that sounds better. Maybe a little echo? It doesn't get recognizable until near the end. I was also thinking of putting some lyrics mixing in here, make it a little more hip-hop. I'm really having a hard time figure out where to go with this... Personal Critique ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [x] Too liberal? STRUCTURE [x] Not enough changes in sounds [x] Too repetitive [x] Too short The sample is from "Grover Washington Jr. - Knucklehead" I am totally down for any collaboration on this! If you want to try to throw your hat into the ring, here's the sample and the FL file: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?c2jydrmsghw Keep it pumpin'!
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