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  1. I may be a little late to reply to this topic, but here goes nothing. I've read quite some posts regarding ZeaLity and C&D here. It's not surprising you don't know much about Crimson Echoes thus coming up with assumptions is no big deal for you. However, keep your concerns and hatred towards ZeaLity to yourself. Sure, he has his cons, but the dude's zealous and passionate towards his goals, and he's one we often admire him for his intellect. But besides that, Crimson Echoes has been in development for 5 years. Prophet's Guile was a short spinoff to the story and went widely successful after its release. It was a short gameplay version with little complex ASM modification involved, and it took them a long time. Although I'm not one of the developers of Crimson Echoes, a friend of mine from RL is in fact, and the gameplay and story, as noticed, was astounding. 5 years of hard work could be seen not only in the footage but when my friend was beta-testing it and was busy with pre-release polishing. Almost everyone was busy weeks before release. So why would ZeaLity or the other members lie about something they worked so hard for? Saying they're making things up is an insult to their hard work and determination, mind you. They made it so others would PLAY it. They had no reason to hold back. If you have any doubts, please step into the Compendium forums and read. You'll see what's going on.
  2. XD Thank you! Say, is it okay if I nade orchestral remix or something more traditional? I like trance, but I wanted to do the old fashioned ones a bit since not much of them are available.
  3. Lmao Midi rip? D= I spent ages trying to layer these track while keeping it close to the original, but yeah I got the reference from a midi. I guess that was bad. Hmm, I'll try better. Thank you for the advise and criticism! I wanted it to have some sort of heavenly feeling to it. Do you guys know what good soundfonts or VSTi I could use for this?
  4. http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/5/11/1906452/Enhasa%20Stereo%20Remix.mp3 Tried keeping it close to the original. This is my first ever remix, and I'm totally satisfied with it. I dunno what polishing it'd need, but here's it anyway. So suggest/criticize as you please.
  5. Ah, thank you! Yes, I'll do that.
  6. I want to start a solo project, mixed genre. Remix/redone music for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. The completion might take a while, but it will be surely. Although, how do I submit the songs? Since I've already made a couple of em. And yes, these are my first songs.
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