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Posts posted by tenorguy

  1. Thanks, I'll definately check that out. Any idea whether or not it would be out of line to get a hold of OCR musicians by looking through the members list and contacting them directly? I was also thinking about just posting the individual parts somewhere with a recording of the drum track and letting people have at it if they want. Any ideas on how would I go about doing that?

  2. Welcome to OCR, glad you enjoyed the panel.

    I moved your thread to Requests because that's where it belongs.

    Also, it might help if you provide more details as to how these musicians are supposed to collaborate. I mean it sounds like you're looking for band members, but you haven't even provided a location.

    Thanks for moving the post, I'm still pretty unfamiliar with the site.

    As far as getting people together in Onalaka, WI. I just don't see it happeneing. If anyone is familiar with the band The Postal Service and how they put their album together, that's what I had in mind. If I find people interested I intend on recording the drum track for a couple of the songs I had in mind (Marble Garden Zone from sonic 3, and maybe Ring Man from Megaman 4), sending that recording with the music for their part and eventually have them send me a recording of just their part. I'll be putting the recording together on my end here and ideally over time start collecting tracks and sending them to OCR.

  3. I recently found out about OCR at Otakon this last weekend in Baltimore. After talking to pixietricks (if I remember her name right) after their panel I realized a definate potential for something I've been looking to put together for some time now. I'm a music major who's been into video game music for a long while and have been looking to put together a group of musicains to essentially play game music covers (Megaman, Megaman X, Sonic, and F-Zero to name a few). Finding musicians who are both capable and interested has proven to be impossible as of yet. With OCR as a resource it looks as though I may be able to bring to life something that has been a hypothetical for far too long.

    Here's what I'm thinking. I need four players. A Lead (pedals would be sweet but a glitch computer... http://www.midfielectronics.com/ ... would be ideal). Someone who owns a Rhodes and can play fat well voiced chords (same notes apply on pedals). Someone else to harmonize with the lead, play duets with the lead, take solos, this person doesn't necessarily need to be a guitar and could be just about anything within reason. And of course a bass player. Realize that this setup is my ideal and I don't expect to find exactly what I'm looking for. I'm open for suggestions and eager to get this thing rolling. Thoughts and opinions?

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