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Everything posted by Noose

  1. Well, I'll cut to the chase. I'm proficient with the piano and have been playing for nearly 9 years. I think it's safe to say I know music. I've been composing my own works for nearly 7 years on this instrument, so it's also safe to say I know arranging. I think my problem is the whole robotic-not-very-touchy-feely part of computer generation of music through the use of programs and plugs and all that bunk that gets muddled up and empties your wallet. I have absolutely no idea how to use those new fangled sequencers, but I have been dying to remix for some time now. Hand me a program like Anvil Studio where your notes are all neatly lined up in scores and I'm set. Unfortunately Anvil Studio is not a program known for its sound quality. I could look and find a way to use Audacity on the wiki, and I could browse the internet for another 5 hours trying to find a decent crack for Protools, but I decided that I'd rather let the answers come to me. Or should I say answer. See it all comes down to this ONE problem. I'm sure I can figure everything else out just fine, but I need someone to tell me how it is I create the melodic noises on Audacity without a score sheet. That's it. That's all. Where do the noises come from and how do I make them? It all looks like some Richter scale random spiky lines to me. And if there is no way to, I dunno, download or script a composer into the program well then, is there any other program out there with OCRemix sound quality and is still old-fashioned-idiot proof?
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