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Posts posted by GatoSoft

  1. Well... I don't know if it is an upgrade or a remix. Somehow, I don't know how I must label it. :oops:

    But the point is that the game Sonic 2 is very important for me too because that game was a big part of my childhood like other Sonic games I played years ago and games that I still play in the present.

    Still, I want to highlight the fact that can't make me finish this song: the big differences between comments.

    1/3 of the people thinks that my version is awesome.

    Other 1/3 of the people thinks it's regular.

    And the rest of the people thinks that my version stinks.

    I still don't know what I must to do with this big mismatch of opinions. Looks like my version tastes good for Rozovian but it doesn't looks good for Spakku. And that happened to me before with lots of people apart of Rozovian and Spakku. :puppyeyes:

    What can I say in my defense? Maybe the fact that I'm doing this with love, patience and coherence. I don't want to use real instruments if it's not necesary. I just want to keep the original notes and tone, pointing to the feel of the original song with the new sound capabilities that a today's computer can bring us.

    If I'm not wrong and my eyes and ears works fine, Emerald Hill is the first stage of the game and, like other Sonic games, use the same "first stage" cliché with (it will make me sound like a fag :-x) happy, shiny and colorful graphics... so, with that image in mind, I want to get a song that follow the same pattern.

    I'm always trying that the synthesizers don't ruin the song, playing clean sound without satturation, with bells, pads and lots of other things that everyone can hear in my version. I think I can't get the same feel, for example, with real instruments. What can I put as lead instrument? A guitar? An organ? Maybe some of those could go fine but the song would not be the same.

    Somebody could tell me wich lead instrument wanted to represent Sega with the original lead in the original song? I don't know, but I think that the one who I've chosen don't sounds so bad.

    If somebody want to, go and visit Sonic Retro's forum and listen to other versions of Emerald Hill if you want. That will give you a clue of what we are looking for.

    Still, I understand that everyone have his own opinion about music... and this is just my opinion.

    Also, I still want to hear new hints to improve my version, if it deserves to be improved.

    See you around! :<

  2. Kick sounds weird. Like it's only a tap or something. Doesn't match the snare at all. I think you should replace it with something a little stronger.

    When I empowered the Snare I noticed that something was lost after that... and you're right, that was the kick. 8O

    Be right back... I'll go to fix it... :<

    About glides and additional chords... I don't know if I can do that. I don't want to screw it up at creating new notes. :oops:

    Also, I'm trying to keep it the most similar to the original as posible.

    By the way (as always) I'm here to hear new comments and suggestions.

    See you later! :-o

  3. Hi again! :-o

    Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate that.

    Like BorgMan said with other words, this song is just an upgrade of the original one, not a remix. I'm trying to keep all the notes just like the original song.

    By the way, answering Metaphist's comment, the project is still in diapers. Now, the community is focusing in Title Screen's song and Emerald Hill's song. Perhaps, the forums of the project have lots of posts about other stage's songs like Oil Ocean, Metropolis, etc.

    I don't know if I can post links to other sites or forums, so I'll wait until somebody's answer if I can post that kind of information here or not. :oops:

    By the moment, I'm improving my own version of Emerald Hill, following the suggestions that Rozovian posted before (Thanks again! :-P).

    If you like my version, stay tuned. I'll be back soon with a new update.

    Sayonara! :<

  4. Hi everybody! :-o

    I'm new here and I want to share my remake of this nice song with you all.

    I don't know if I'm doing wrong posting this kind of theme, since it's not exactly a remix, but I want to know what do you think about it. :-P


    The song's ID3 tags reffers to Sonic 2 HD project, because this song was intended for that project initially.

    I hope you enjoy it. :-o


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