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O Thnap!

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Posts posted by O Thnap!

  1. Hey, I've been a fan of ocremix.org for a while now but it only just occured to me to register. It is unfortunate that I have to begin with a topic like this, but there is a question I would like to have answered.

    Basically, I'm currently developing an amateur video game using the RPG Maker engine. It's more of a hobby than anything else, but when it is complete it will be posted on several websites for others to download and play. There will be absolutely no profit involved as I won't be charging people to play it. (Oh, if only I could get away with that. xD)

    I've found some excellent remixes on this website, and I would love to use a few of them in my project. But I would not like to step on any toes in the process, or worse yet break copyright laws. So I come to the community to ask if this would be acceptable.

    As far as I know it is impossible to encrypt the audio folder, so any sound files included would be completely free for the downloaders to store on their computer. This is actually really irritating, and is the only real obstacle I can see.

    I read the FAQ but did not find an answer to this question. All I could find pertaining to copyright was this line:

    Yes, the original soundtracks and source tunes which OverClocked ReMixes are based on are copyrighted material. We are not out to infringe on the copyright owner's rights by making money off of their content. We are a fan site, and all material on OC ReMix is freely available and contains information on the source tune's game origin and composer (if available). The ads and merchandise on this site go only to pay for bandwidth, hosting, and other administrative costs. We are a not-for-profit web site established to honor the video game industry, not detract from it. We at OC ReMix encourage users to buy professionally released video game music soundtracks to support game music.

    This would suggest to me that if I credit both Ocremix.org and the individual authors of each song I should be free to use them in my project. But I wanted to see what the community had to say about it first.

    Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. :)

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