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Posts posted by McAwesum

  1. Oh noes! A double post!

    So anyway. My good friend Smenelian has begun to put together some stuff for our collab on this remix. He will be gone all day today so I am uploading it and posting it on his behalf. This is more of his song than mine since its still premature and doesn't have much from my remix in it. He says he is going to change quite a bit. But here is a glimpse into what he's coming up with.


  2. This probably won't pass the judges as it is. Dunno if I can put the magic sauce on it but maybe some new ideas will bring some even newer ones. Export it as a zipped file in FL and send it to my email. I don't remember what I did with all those soundfonts so if it doesn't zip those up too you might have to send them as well.

    Sure, I will go ahead and send it to you. But, yahoo mail is having trouble attaching even the zipped file to an email. We may have to figure out another way for me to give it to you. Maybe Yahoo IM or something.

    Oh, just realized the zip loop file is like 53 MB. Yahoo mail can only attach up to 10 MB.

  3. You know I was kind of thinking this would sound better if you added some more instruments, changed up the lead or something once in a while, or both. You'd be surprised how refreshing it can be to hear a new instrument, making things a bit less boring / repetitive. It probably wouldn't matter as much if there were lyrics in a song, but that's why music without lyrics needs to sound as diverse as possible.

    And the kick sounds good, along with the louder leads, however you might want to add a fruity soft clipper to the kick in it's own channel. I'm pretty sure I'm hearing a little bit a clipping, but it could also be my crappy headphones :tomatoface:

    Thanks, Krow. I added a soft clipper to the kick. It does sound better. I also changed the lead instrument in the beginning of the song.

    What's up dude, you want to collab on this? I got some ideas. The chilled out vibe is pretty sweet and totally different from the original. In a good way of course.

    Obviously if you want this one to be your own thing that's cool too. I would say something has to be done about that choir sample that plays at 1:50. That kind of sample is really only good for sustaining chords and not like a lead sound.

    Yo, Smenelian. Good to see you. Yeah, I'm running out of ideas for this one. I don't want to do too much to it for fear of going overboard. Lol. I still have a lot to learn. But unless this iteration is good enough to be submitted I would be glad to let you have a whack at it and see what you can do it.


  4. Alright cool. Then you might want to check this site out. I like to recommend it (and so does DarkeSword :<) for it's good samples.


    Lol, I actually have some of those, given from my friend Smenelian. I use the TGSF a bit. I'm using the BassFing&Harms, Cadenza Strings. I'm using the Harp from there too. XD Cool, but thanks I'll grab the ones I don't have and try to see what I can do to improve the remix.

  5. Well in the beginning of this new version, I think that in the pad (or whatever it is, sounds kinda stringy) overpowers the melody a little bit. It also sounds a bit out of key (whatever scale the song the rest of the instruments are in).

    I definitely think you should beef up the kick a bit more so you can hear it over the bass. The string lead throughout a good portion of the song seems to be a little to weak to be a lead. Perhaps make it more treble or change the lead altogether.

    I would also recommend adding some decay to those "ahhs" in the background.

    Aside from this you've got a pretty solid song to play with. A lot of it might just be the sample quality. Oh, and do you mind if I ask what program you used to make this?

    Thanks for the input. I'll keep that stuff in mind.

    But yeah, I'm using FL Studio 8.

  6. spc is the super nintendo rom format, which also contains the music. We're using the term as a measure of sound quality. The format was limited, but pretty capable, impressive in its day. What Dafydd is saying is that the instruments don't sound much better than the original. :)

    Oh, ok. Thanks. Hopefully, this version is better then.

    I livened up the bass a little and added some reverb to make the instruments not as dry. I extended the intro a little but will try to mess with the chord progression a bit later. Not unless it is satisfactory. I also tweaked the snare a bit to make it pop out more. Let me know if this is the right direction to go.

    Lol. Its kinda weird but cool. I'm learning quite a bit here. Thanks guys. I still have a lot to learn. I'm adding a lot to my remix. I hadn't realized how simple it was till you guys had me change and improve on stuff to make it better. XD I just hope it ain't too much.

    Thanks for the support guys.


  7. Interesting.

    First off, this sounds like an spc in itself. :)

    The lead instrument plays some notes wrong (most people won't care) but it's also a little out of tune (or maybe it's one of the other instruments, not sure). There's a few odd notes from other instruments too. The bassline is pretty boring and the instrument sample isn't wonderful for this "genre" either.

    Interesting ideas though. I'd advise you to beef the bass a little. It's feeling a little too lightweight.

    Well, forgive me for being a newb; but what do you mean by its an spc in itself?

    Also, yeah, I know what you mean by some of the tuning sounding off. I'll go in and try to catch and fix those.

    And I hear what you and Rozovian are saying about the instruments. I'm working on it right now to get a better quality sound. I'll have an updated version up in not too long again.

  8. Thanks for the feedback, everybody. I have uploaded a newer version of the song.

    Changed quite a bit. I added an intro with the pianos now, instead of with the main riff. Added a solo section with the strings. I put a weird filter on the bass. And added some improve onto the main riff.

    I also have a another version (currently rendering) where I lowered the strings a bit and changed the piano a little in one segment. But I'll upload that when it's done. For now, here is this:


  9. Hmmm bear with me for a bit.

    The main melody, although good change with the soundings and whatnot, is pretty much a rework of the source. Got to improv one or two sections while keeping to the same... "spirit" of that melody. One of the other published remixes of this song on OC should give you a sort of comparison of what I'm getting at.

    The backing of it is nice, a shame it didn't take over part of the song. It sounds like it fit with your main melody and could be shown more potential if it was brought to the front at one point instead of repeating the main melody over and over.

    In short, my main picks would be it needs improv sections and a stronger backing presence.

    Cool. Thanks for the advice. I'm still relatively new at this, so I do have lot to learn. I will definitely take your words to try and improve more on the remix.

  10. Hey there, everybody. I've been a long time listener here at OCR. I only just joined the forums about a few months ago, but only recently started posting.

    Well anyway, here is a remix I've been wanting to do for a while. It's the Central Highway Theme from the first Megaman X.

    Its kinda of a weird orchestral hip-hoppy hybrid of sorts. Which is not only a kind of strange combo; but also a foreign vibe for a Megaman theme. But I like it.

    Well, let me know what you guys think of it, and what I can do to improve on it.





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