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Posts posted by MaestroRage

  1. Firstly, thank you SnappleMan for subscribing me to this thread. I should introduce (maybe reintroduce myself to some) myself. Hi, i'm an audio moderator over at Newgrounds, and i'll be the first to admit a lot of douches come take the hard work of artists here and splat it up for their own miserable joy.

    It becomes increasingly difficult to seperate who's the real artists with the fakes as on some occasions the thiefs also take the artist's name.

    Though it's a hassle I would like to ask as many OC'ers to just jump on down to Newgrounds, and make an account with with their user name. It really helps us if the thief cannot use your user name.

    For example, if your name here is Leggo (so original I know), if we find a Leggo1 we immediately set up flags and start investigating. But we all know these guys are pretty damn convincing sometimes.

    Also I didn't get a chance to read through this entire thread, I did take down names (thank god KujoGodofWar disappeared eh?), PLEASE if you know of an artist whose account is still up on Newgrounds and he stole work send me a pm or an email at selcukbor@gmail.com, or list them in this thread, and I will do my best to ensure swift and brutal eradication. The Audio Mods are getting new tools to remove users and songs by themselves sometime in the future. Right now we still refer to the higher ups to get things smitten, so this would be the reason why it takes a while sometimes to get things off the site.

    Once again, thank you Snapple for pointing me here!

    ~ Selcuk

  2. You know what I find funny? Members of Newgrounds bitching and moaning about their works being stolen, and yet, you have members on Newgrounds stealing from this site!

    It's truly is a shame. "Artist" who steal the musician works of others shouldn't even call themselves musicians. They know that they are horrible, that they will never get what they want in their musicianship the hard way, so they go around by stealing and making other people suffer because the thief will never gain anything music-wise.

    That's not fair at all. The musicians who complain are the ones who are stolen from, and the ones who are stealing, we do our best to get rid of... like this instance for example :D!

    It's true we have thieves, we're doing our best to make sure they don't breed and grow in numbers.

    Thanks David for your find, this should be plenty to ensure his removal from the system!

    Take care OCer's, it was a pleasure!

    ~ Selcuk

  3. I'm not afraid to say i'm wrong if I am, but everything about this account is off. As stated before the variety of skills and styles are uncanny, the crap work mixed in with the really good have no chronological order *uploads crap one day, and great another*.

    There are even demo songs before the full version so there is some kind of evidence that music is being made, but I am far from convinced all of it is his.


    He says his guitarist performs some of these tracks, while songs that have the exact same guitar sounds and articulations are said to be produced. I know there are some WICKED guitar VST's like East West Ministry of Rock, and LPC's Electric guitar, but i'm not convinced that those guitars are fake. Though I don't pretend to be a metal man, it's usually easy to tell which instruments are fake by the face every time you use the same note, timbres and slight elements always remain the same.

    And let's be realistic here. The level and skill necessary to mix in these loud and hot pieces are not at all easy and some of these songs I can hear the experience coming through.

    I truly would like to thank each and every one of you for your efforts. We are doing our best on our end, I will visit this other forum, and hopefully be able to put this to rest soon.

  4. Ì listened to a few, haven't found much similarity, however I'll admit I did not listen to everything. He may have taken songs from other sites, or (gasp) he might be uploading stuff that he produced in the past.

    You are right RD, he very well might have.

    But please be aware of some facts we have gathered which leads us to believe this is not the case.

    - He's 17 year olds and still in high school

    - He has a band powerful and skilled enough to produce tracks of this magnitude

    - He is a master at equalizing/mastering/mixing songs that people usually spend years for

    - He has the synths that can do it all in the likely hood he can't get his band to perform.

    It's just not possible.

    Liontamer, thank you for your assistance, we will continue doing our best to try and find the proof we need.

  5. Fellow OCer's. Hi, i'm MaestroRage, an audio moderator over at Newgrounds. We have found a user on our site which we strongly suspect of audio theft, but thus far we have been unable to find any kind of solid proof.

    So why am I here?

    This user has a LOT of video game remix songs, and all of them are of a quality that would be impossible to achieve at the rate he's uploading them. Knowing that this is the hotspot for video game remixes, I ask the users here to try and help us gather proof that this user is indeed, a thief.


    Please take a look through his profile, listen to a few tracks, see if you can identify any tracks from here or anywhere else.

    We would be very thankful for any help,

    thank you for your time

    ~ Selcuk

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