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Posts posted by Luckyfish

  1. Been a little while; here's an update:

    Janus 2.0

    It's filled out and 'soundscaped' some, some of the instruments have been updated, and there's a little more variation in some of the patterns (although I need more). I didn't really make any drastic changes to the composition, even though the last crits I got I thought were pretty much on. This was an etching out details update.

    I might have to step away from this one for a little bit - I like what I've done, and I'm happy with it, but it's not where I really want it to be (submittable? I guess), and I'm getting a little irritated with it. I need to find the song's plot, so to speak.

  2. Thanks a bunch, Especially on the composition. I was trying to sustain that 8 note melody for (most of) 6 minutes and didn't know how it would work.

    I had filtered everything quite a bit to the point where some of the instruments were coming across too bright and tinny and and made some of my bands broader, I probably went overboard. Reverb's definitely a culprit. I also feel like the bass needs to be tighter, I've been working on finding a good sound for that. And my left ear hears louder than my right so I tend to pan things too far right anyway, so that helps a lot.

  3. First WIP (woo!) and it's quite far from done, but I thought I could use some feedback. It's a remix of Magus's theme, I was going for a moodier trip hop feel but it sort of morphed into something else. I have tons of things I need to work on, but the basic song structure's there.

    ReMix: Janus


    Source: VGMusic MIDI

    I've done some mixing and I'd like to know how the eq and panning is: the hearing in one of my ears is wonky and it can throw me off.


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