<emerges from a long, long lurking slumber>
I just have to chip in here...
Both KiC and RotC have, in my mind, their own strengths. RotC is, as a whole, a more flowing, atmospheric work. KiC is more of a mix of different styles and mixers, which has bits I both like and dislike. It has an edge over RotC in my mind in terms of sheer variety. The tracks in RotC can start to blur together while the tracks on this are much more individualized and distinctive. In the end, I love 'em both and I've burned them both for my car-listening pleasure. However, since this isn't a thread for discussing RotC...
Holy crap, Prophecy's "Checkan Winter" (that not enough people seem to be mentioning) absolutely rocks my socks off. I'm kind of sad I haven't seen Proph's stuff on OCR, because just about everything I've heard from him has been, in its own special way, mind blowingly awesome.
<Puts on "Future metropolis" and returns to lurking status>