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Posts posted by cledman

  1. hi guys

    me and my friend made our version from this great music with guitars few months ago!

    It's our interpretation of this amazing job of Yuzo Koshiro, where we went by the 3 versions of the theme of the game, with arrangements based on Mega Drive and Master System version.

    Here is the link to the youtube(you tube's compression has put down the audio quality)

    And here is the link to listen the audio with much more quality


    I wanna know if it could be consider some kind of remix , so, could I participate from the submissions? I'm talking about this :


    Hope that you like!

  2. Hmm... I would suggest that if you haven't already, to look at the submission standards and instructions, honestly, that is the best info you can follow if you want to post a remix, it says about the critiaria, what is acceptable, and what isn't. def issential reading.

    Here's the link: http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions

    btw, one thing i picked up from the judges decisions forum that isn't meantioned there is that the amount of source material in the track has to be 50% or over.

    I would also suggest reading the judges decisions forums, the judges often mention other critiaria in them that may be useful.

    It's a very good idea to keep a close eye on the judges comments regarding sub standards, as they know the critiaria better than anyone.

    Yeah.. Thanks..

    And sorry again guys!

  3. cool could you post a link?

    yeah.. for sure!

    the audio quality is too bad cos we recorded that with the mic from the cammera.


    Ah I see, ok, it seems to do the job :) i you want to do a remake, you are def on the right track. The trouble with ocr is that if you want to get a remix posted on the site, you really have to 'flex your shit' as I told when I was a little naive on the sub standards (not that i'm a expert now (:) but ocr generally don't accept remakes.

    I hope you find this info useful!


    sorry! I didn't know that we should post only remixes!

    I promisse that my future posts will be remixes, ok? Thanks for the advice

  4. Thanks!!!!

    I really apreciate your comment!

    I really like this as it is, and it certainly brings back some sweet Battletoads Brand Nostalgia. I'm curious to see what you'll do to improve it; I'll eagerly be watching the progress on this track.

    If I'm not mistaken, there are actually no original Battletoads (NES) mixes on OCRemix as of now. I think you'd be celebrated if you got one past the judges. :)

    Keep it up!


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