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Posts posted by Drugbird

  1. Hi everybody,

    I'm a DJ at a student ballroom dancing association and I'm looking for some video game music that is also suitable for ballroom dancing. I was wondering if anyone here has experience with both ballroom dancing and VG music that could point me to some good, danceable music (original or remixed is both fine).

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Does anyone know where to buy or download this CD? I listened to the demo and I need to have it!

    Relevant to the topic. :)


    I contributed to a Zelda: Link's Awakening cd that just got sold in Japan at the M3-2009 doujin music event for the doujin circle DDBY, along with Bizen of DDBY and Magical Trick Society.

    Feel free to check out the demo of the release at the link above.

    As for your project, I look forward to hearing it once you guys get this finished. :)

  3. Here are some of mine:

    playing through Secret of Mana together with my brother. We even got up at around 7 am in the weekends just to get a couple hours of SoM in before breakfast.

    More recently, I've been blown away by Persona 3 (currently playing part 4) and Kingdom Hearts (part 2 was rather a dissapointment for me). These are both games I really connected with, and which sucked me in; as such, I've strong memories of them.

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