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Posts posted by SlickDaddySlick

  1. I hope something bad happens like say just one day people are just looking at it up close and suddenly, the damn thing just fall apart and the robot's pieces just crush the people to death. Other than that, typical Japan.
    ^Better than a train station gettin' gassed.

    SnowStorm, baby, let me ask you something: What in the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, are you mentally insane? Do you have an illness or something? That's fuckin' sick. Are you trying to get attention or something?

    One's a freak accident, the other was perpetrated by a crazed cult, I don't see how hoping for either events to occur now or in the future would be better.

    I think at this point it is hard to reason with Snow.

    honestly snowstorm what the hell


  2. I'm a Christian, so I've had my share of music that made me cry. Although I'll only post them if asked.

    Why should your religion have a leading factor to make you cry. I myself belife in the Christian faith, but there has been no songs that made me cry in the gerne.

    I never came close to crying, but two songs had made me feel emotional:

    Aerosmith's "Livin' on the Edge" and Metal Gear Solid's "The Best is Yet to Come".

  3. I remember a statement Shigeru Miyamoto (SP?) made on delayed games. He stated that a delayed game would be much better than a game that was rushed.

    If his theory is right, then DNF better well be the best damn game of all time in terms of gameplay, player-character interactivity, and innovation.

    Of course, Miyamoto's theory was about Brawl and that game, although great, wasn't really all that.

  4. Surfing With the Alien = Greatest thing a human can do with aliens and a guitar.

    Vai and Satch are both good examples of technical proficiency and musical theory intergrated with the passion for your music. Malmsteen is an amazing example of nothing but proficiency and theory. He's tallented, but he doesn't really care what he's doing.

    You know what? Please stop being such a gushy fanboy. You like DT, we get it. :|
    Steve Vai is a lot more experimental than satch but satch is more commercial, you should look his music up, its very similar to video game music (his music would be perfect for racing games)

    Hmm... surfing with the alien has the hits, but his best effort is the extremist, brilliant music.

    Malmsteen is also great, he created the neo-classical genre, but he is one the more show-offy guitarists, but I agree with the theory comment, malmsteems knowedge of scales is great.

    However, Joe satch takes the award for technical theory knowedge, his knowedge of music theory, and scales simply outstripes basically every other guitarist I know of, not to mention the emotion and creative melodies he writes simply makes his music essential listening imo.

    Dammit! You guys beat me to Vai and his mentor!


    No words can describe this song!

  5. What do you think is more important when composing and performing music: Music Theory and Technique or Soul and Passion?

    I had a little . . . fun argument with a member of another forum about this. I told him that without a good knowledge of music theory, having soul and passion over theory is bullshit and that it is rewarded to only those who spend their time studying theory and technique. The guy say that you need more soul and passion and that music theory and lessons isn't really needed to play an instrument, learn scales, and key signature.

    So, what do you guys think.

  6. Yeah, I kinda do as well. What kind of conversation, on an Advance Wars forum no less, would lead to this? The admin seems to have blocked registration and ATM is only allowing members to read the forums. Probably for the best, I'm sure this has stirred up plenty of curiosity about the forum.

    That's a good idea seeing that they what to avoid controversy and maybe the press.

  7. I know there a few composers on OC Remix that may have done music for video games in the past. I what to know, from your experience, what do you think is the standard for composing music in gaming. What is expected from you, the composer when the company, studio, etc. what to use your music?

    Sorry if I did not give as much detail as needed.

  8. Dear God,

    Please give our St. Louis Cardinals the strenght and power to knock the Chicago Cubs out of the first place standings. Thank you.




    To Chicago from St. Louis!

    Speaking of which are the rumors of Pujos being injuryed are true?

    Here we have a typical, retarded Cardinals fan. This ain't 2006, boy and your team is falling apart. They're not going to make it to the playoffs, so stop talking shit.

    No wonder you're banned.

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