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Everything posted by StoneMonkEnlightened

  1. The music in Diddy Kong Racing was indeed really good for it's time and I would just like to see what comes our way with remixes from some soundtracks from the game. I've thought about it and I used to play this game a lot, and I mean A LOT! I must've beaten adventure mode and adventure 2 mode several times over and I always thought that after you collect all the Wizpig medals, and go inside the pigs mouth in the middle of the lagoon, you get to race the infamous villain WIZPIG. I wouldn't hearing something creative using either the space levels or wizpig's theme, or both put together in some way. ...and names that come to my mind randomly might be: "Spank dat Monkey" "Lost in Spacedust Monkey Feces" "Hover Car Rocket Rider" and "Groom my Furry Heart"
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