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Posts posted by kalking

  1. I've been paying close attention to the project, forums, webpage, and all for a few years now. Quite honestly, some of us ToS-fanboys and girls have felt left out, since we keep hearing about ToS songs being done or close to being done, yet only ToP has had sample tracks released.

    So how about this: Since ToP got two released tracks like over a year ago, maybe we can have one or two ToS tracks released?

    I realize that Kyle and others have been saying that this project is due out soon on OCRemix. That's all well and good. It's also what was said over a year ago as well. In the meantime, we need a bone or two to nibble on to keep our appetites whetted.

    Thanks ^_^


  2. This is quite a good mix. There are very minor issues sometimes, where the ambient sounds become stronger than the main melody, which lessens the impact of the song, and there are places where the song as a whole could be more powerful/dramatic.

    I love the entrance. ^^

    At .29, the main theme comes in - needs to be louder! As the dramatic ending, this theme needs the focus, not the 'beat'.

    3.00 and on, same thing, theme needs to be at the forefront of the song, it gets lost in the background here.

    Right before 3.44, where the main theme kicks in for the last time, it comes in so slow and quiet that you almost miss it. More fanfare to announce it's arrival!

    Some of the sound files are low quality, but you're working with a demo so understandable - these are good ^^.

    One thing that I will say is that since this is a Remix site, you may get turned down by judges even after fixing the above, on the basis that you barely stray from the original song. This is not a bad thing - reorchestrations are good. But we all know how tough OC's judges are on songs being almost the same as the original in terms of musical order/content.

    I do like this mix a lot, and look forwards to future additions/subtractions in it by you. ^^


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