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Posts posted by Kuriko

  1. Thanks for the reply. I didn't like the ending very much myself, and changed it up with a piano after your suggestion. I think it sounds a lot better now, so I appreciate that. Some dynamic changes were made too, which I also agreed with. It might be a little difficult to turn the whole thing into a piano concerto though. It wasn't what I had planned in the beginning, so I'm not too sure how to work that in. If I have time to do a modification of that extent though, I'll keep it in mind.

  2. I did write a lot less than the accepted remixes on the site for sure, but at the same time, also did do more amount more than just upgrade the sounds. Anyway, this a source:

    Do you think you could go into a little more detail in how to improve the things you said (the minor tweaks you mentioned for instance, and the "noise loop"?). Thanks for the reply.

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