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Everything posted by E_maN

  1. fixed, thanks for noticing
  2. Hi! I've always liked this song and decided to make a remix of it. This is actually my first attempt at creating this type of music, and i generally don't listen to it all the time, it happens, but not as often as other genres like rock and metal. So i need some feedback on the sounds, and what i might improve. At the moment i'm trying to get the core-sounds right, and getting all the melodies in place and that sort of stuff. Soo.. here it is http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2719341/OneMustFall2097.mp3 id also like some general helpful tips and tricks Thanks in advance! Cheers!
  3. thanks for the compliments! yeah the bassound is a bit "fat" and the original thought was to have some songs with distorted bass and some without. but I did'nt think it felt right to turn it off, it was... a big leap soundwise. but thats just my opinion, and it has one part where it's undistorted, for 'bout 10 seconds maybe well, about battlescar, maybe the intro sounds a bit "boring" because it jumps right at it? and not building it? Insert Coin: what's the "umph" you're talking about? more punch? well i can give you a hint: In A.D. 2101, War was beginning. if you cant figure it out just google that part Battlescar: Well our way to think about our songs are that we want to make them close to the original, but yet heavy and more... metal, so we dont arrange them THAT much, but some parts. i hope you understand the direction of our vision better now and both of you, spread the word! send it to people, we want some more comments on our myspace so add us or something and again, Thanks for both of your opinions!
  4. Hi! We've just finished our 2nd medley with No Miss and now we want some feedback on it. The new medley is called "Insert Coin" and it's a shootermedley with a song list that can be found on http://www.myspace.com/nomissmusic at the biography section. On our myspace you can also find our first medley "Battle Scar" which is a RPG medley, or download it from the link below. http://www.oktv.se/hemsida/emil.ekberg/no_miss_-_insert_coin.mp3 http://www.oktv.se/hemsida/emil.ekberg/no_miss_-_battle_scar.mp3 there you guys got download links Some feedback on the mix/mastring and arrangement would be nice! Hope you'll like it!
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