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Posts posted by Lira

  1. thanks for all of the replies & sorry for my late one! academic mayhem caught me unawares but after I clear out all (or, er, most of) my obligations, I'll be racing back here-- professional projects were stacking up for a bit but since I'm in music for love, not money, I'd much rather get back to projects simply for fun!

    Arcana, I'll definitely check out One Hour Compo sometime-- sounds interesting.

    Rozovian, thanks for the suggestions-- I am a songwriter, but I'm looking to add vocals to instrumentals more than do arrangements of my own on my own, for now. and yes, I have my own recording setup-- it'd be hard to have completed songs without it! ;)

    Nicole, thanks for the kind words-- I'm absolutely up for originals, not just remixes, so feel free to contact me at any time.

  2. hey, all;

    so I've been lurking OCR on and off for the better part of three years, but only for the past year (since, of all things, I finally got the guts to pursue music as a serious hobby after doing vocals for Xaleph on AnimeRemix last October) have I been working as an active vocalist/songwriter in various capacities. I'm featured on a handful of upcoming professional trance tracks to be released in 2010.

    Thing is, I'm semi-at a loss as to how to get more involved here, and make myself available for collaborations. There's a lot of incredible talent in the community and as a long-time fan, I'd be happy to help & contribute where possible or where needed. But I'm not a producer, so I can't very well start posting feedback threads. And posting in every thread going "if you need a vocalist, poke me! :D :D :D" would get old & obnoxious quickly.

    So, er, help? How does one go about this? :P


  3. Hey, OCR. I've been a long-time lurker (since late '04 or early '05) and registered in '06 under the name Artemis Winter. I just recently did a collaboration with Xaleph over at AnimeRemix and decided to pay a visit back to my roots; so I made a new account under the standard name I go by and release under.

    I'm a vocalist rather than a remixer, happy to work with anyone with good ideas, and looking forward to lurking a little less lurk-tastically these days. :P

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