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Posts posted by AlphanerdV

  1. I saw it at the Midnight release (dying at work right now...need sleep.). Was it entertaining? Yes very much so. The action scenes were amazing. I thought Rorschach was great, and funny that he was played by Jackie Haley, the rebel from "Bad News Bears".

    Now, I have not personally read the graphic novel (something I do intend on Rectifying), but I have heard the gist and understand the premise behind pretty well. What I can tell from what has been told to me though, the changes that they made to the movie only created plot holes. Also, they try to be subtle in the movie, not to reveal details, but they were so blatant that by the end no one even cared about the reveals, because they already knew what was going on. I will explain a little in the spoilers section, lol.


    If Rorschach accomplished what he was intending to at the end, before Dr. Manhatten stopped him, the world results would have been the same. Whether it was Manhatten or Veidt, the world still would have pulled together, because the basis was still there for cooperation. It didn't make sense for the rest of the group to cave in, and make a Martyr out of Manhatten. As cheesy as it is, the exploding squid monster would have justified their reactions a little more.

    *Jupiter's Daddy Issues*. They were so blatantly obvious with the comedian being her father, that when you are near the end of the movie, I could careless about them revealing it in a long drawn-out cutscene.

    I did love the part where Veidt is talking in the lobby with all the execs and they were playing an elevator music version of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears.

  2. Hmmm... first one coming to mind, Little Nemo Nightmare in Dreamland. I freakin played that game all the time. Willow, as cheesy as the game was, could be pretty fun. EVO needs to be remade, but I guess to an extent, SPORE is a pseudo representation of that. Then Lufia 1&2. 1 was kinda crap (never able to beat it myself), but it had a good story, so they would just need to update Graphics and Gameplay and all would be golden.

  3. Because Cecil and Cid are obviously too badass to need capes.

    Also, it's out of 11.

    I must have missed a segment or something. Yang, Cid, Kain, FuSoYa and even though they don't really count, Young Rydia and Dark Cecil did not have a cape. Yang doesn't even have a shirt, lol. The ratio is still stacked toward the caped bearers, but not quite as bleak as 2 out of 11.

    Correct me if I am wrong.

  4. Ok, I have been browsing this site for about 3 years now, and love the constant flow of fantastic works that come through here, but I just got done listening to your magfest, and I had coldchills running up my back the entire time. FF IV is by far my favorite game, and I have always loved the music, and to take such Nostalgic melodies and bring such an epic feel. It is a dream come true. I was ecstatic when I followed the process of them converting FF IV into a 3D format for DS, and I am even more excited now with the music being remixed by the amazing talent that you all are. I am eternally grateful to you all for putting your skills together and accomplishing this astonishing feat.

    I would happily sell my soul for even a portion of talent you all possess. Can't wait to fade away in the joy of the finished product.


    Paul Voigt

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