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Posts posted by Gec

  1. I take it you were thinking slightly of the intro of S3&K when you composed the main synth melody? ;)

    Anyway, good so far, but you really need to strengthen that main synth, it seems to weak compared to the background. In fact, that's what this track needs in general - dynamics, and perhaps a little more direction and a little less reverb. So far it just seems a little too "new age-ish" for a piece that's meant to imply speed. In fact my first thought when I heard the intro was Megaman Battle Network or Ape Escape - probably not what you were aiming for.

    Nope. Which is why I'm asking for collaboration. I can make nice tunes and melodies, but I can't seem to mix and arrange things perfectly. But this song is old and I haven't cleaned it up since.

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