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Everything posted by themtb2007

  1. NOT a new user. I would prefer answers from those that PLAY and not people that use this program to Make beats for rap or something and cant play an instrument. if that comment offends you then it applies to you. After every note played via the controller OR the Reason on-board piano roll, there is a distinct crunching noise as the sound fades in aftertouch. With the controller disconnected or not, the volumes adjusted or not, No mastering, just a mixwe and the factory piano or a sampled one, ANY sound... with just the naked program running, no effects. There is a low crunching noise at the end of the note release, latency movied...still does it. after many instruments are playing, its not heard... but in a quite part with just the lone instrument... its clear. It sounds like a fat dude with leather pants rocking on a leather sofa...A Low grungy crunch...Or if you had some kind of Gate on. I have that stupid realtech hd audio manager. I dont think it can be disabled. Now... I can take the reason song and EXPORT it as a wav. and it STILL has that sound at the endo of the dying sound, clearly heard. So I figure, is it really there or is there some kind of gate? because THATS EXACTLY how it sounds...Like a signal passing through a processor and the audio is to quiet for it as it drops and you can hear the computer sound of the effect. The audio manager from realtech seems to have no effect on at all. never had this issue with reaon befor I got this new computer that has this stupid realtech on it. thats what makes me think it is that. I cant tell if it does it on ANY audio because I have no way of having a single quiet recording to tell.
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