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Posts posted by Okkusenman

  1. Very nice arrangement. :D The guitar solo was pretty epic too. The bass.... I could recognize some of the eastern style of arrangement.

    The reason I say that, is because when I listen to certain J-Rock bands they tend to have bass runs that flow up in a particular way. No offense at all, just a stylistic thing I've noticed.

    I enjoyed. :D

    hey Cyril, no offense taken :-D thanks for watching!

    Can anyone tell me some more cool videogame tracks? to be honest, im quite new to it all, ive got a whole heap of .sid files im yet to check out :P im open to all genres, preferably 'major' sounding (happy) catchy tunes!

  2. Good Job Snapple, way to be inviting to new guys trying to showcase their abilities. At the very least wait till it becomes very flagrant, if ever; which I doubt.

    Nonetheless, the performance was very good. Much like Snappleman the piano segment does stick out a bit for me and pretty much waters down the fun of the track. Other then that I'd say it's an awesome take on RM2 - Wily castle 1.

    As much as I love the track I'd like to see more from ya. :)!!

    haha ah man its cool, Snapple has his opinion just like all of us right, anyways, yeah i understand what you guys are saying about the piano section, the entire track is all 'happy' sounding then the piano comes out of nowhere and brings the levels down a little, i really appreciate your comments! :razz:

  3. Nice arrangement! As cliche as it is, it's fun to listen to. Piano section kinda came out of nowhere and sticks out in a negative way. Dragonforce style solos get boring fast, not a fan of those. Overall good stuff.

    Question, are you Japanese? If not, quit the wapanese act because it makes me want to destroy you... OTHERWISE GOOD JOB AND START SUBMITTING TO OCR!!!

    thanks for commenting, im not sure if you know X Japan? Takaya's kept the X feel with the piano solo, i hear what you're saying man, thats cool!

    im not Japanese, no, Takaya (drummer/pianist) is, where does race come into any of this? :s

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