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Posts posted by highwoodslvr

  1. This is coming from a non-mixer, listener standpoint. Hopefully you find something here useful:

    I definitely second the volume up, especially on the bass. It was hard to hear the kick at all for me and the rhythm chords swallowed the actual bass line.

    The mid-range is really popular. With the dirt effects on every instrument and fast notes make it hard to distinguish different tracks at times, especially at around 2:00.

    2:54 began my favorite part and felt great to listen to (though i still crave more bass to stand up to the highs.) Personal taste-> really wanted things to go into a breakdown in the bit after that (3:10) to setup a new background for the next solo. i got a bit tired of hearing the same style guitar playing the same style progression the same way after getting prominently shown something seemingly new to the mix.

    The end switches to the original suddenly, it's like the guitar didn't have a chance to finish yet. i defend the cheese. there's a long loved history of cheese in metal

    also- this is my first post though i've been reading/downloading for years now, so i just want to thank those responsible for ocr for being responsible for ocr


    -note:self: use less adverbs-

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