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Posts posted by fraseyboy

  1. Personally, for a decent guitar sound I find that I like to take a basic synth sound like a saw wave layered with a square wave and put some heavy amp distortion on it. Then, I add a phaze shifter effect or a light chorus effect on there and save this as an audio file wav/mp3. Then I put it back into the song and add another layer of distortion plus some light reverb and/or delay (echo).

    But that's just the sound design itself. More than half of it is how you play/sequence the sound. I'd make it a mono one note synth with a quick portamento glide. Then I'd add some vibrato to the tail end of longer notes to really make it shine as a solo synth.

    Most guitar sound fonts/vst's do not sound real or even decent to me. So, I make/modify my own and try to use the synthetic quality of it as a strength rather than a weakness.

    As for your overall arrangement. It's not bad man. Drums could use some light compression perhaps. You're learning quite well for someone who is new at this. OCremix sets quite the high bar, I hope you continue to work on this or take what you learn from this and apply it to future works.

    More than anything, it's about how much you experiment and compose things which will make you improve. Listening to a lot of music that inspires you doesn't hurt ether to gain a new take on your source material. Good luck.

    Very helpful post. I tried doing that and it just ended up sounding all synthy :|

    The distorted guitar in the middle of Aliseans 'Final Ecstasy' (http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00063/) sounds EXACTLY like what I need. Anyone know how he achieved such a sound?

  2. http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/12/3/2210725/Earthbound%20Zero%20Intro%20Sexy%20Frasey%20Mix.mp3

    This is a remix of the Introduction song at the beginning of Earthbound Zero/Mother 1. Hasn't got a proper title yet.

    This is my first remix and like my third time using Fruity Loops, so there's bound to be a few things that need to be changed. I'm not too sure how to make it sound more 'realistic'.

    Tell me what you think :)

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