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Posts posted by NutSmasher

  1. Herro everyone!

    Looooong time lurker here. When I found OCRemix BigShellWestBristol was on the main page. I've checked out the forums from time to time, but mostly just the Judge's Decisions board. However, after attending MAGfest and seeing how great the community here is, I've decided to get involved on the forums. :)

    I'm a physics student at UNC Charlotte. I love board games, video games, and music. I "play" guitar and bass, by which I mean I'm better than just playing Smoke On The Water, but I'm not even half a SnappleMan. :-D In terms of remixing, I don't really have any experience. I got form-lettered back in '04 for some crappy thing I did in Project 5. I'd love to get better though, so expect to see me hanging around the WIP boards!

    Anywho, nice to meet you all!

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