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Posts posted by johnny_chronic

  1. SOMEONE PLEASE make another one for this. The one I DL was great, I'd like to see a couple more themes done.

    It would be great to see another remix from this great truly missed out on game. I had many hours of gg'age here.

  2. I am interested in creating some of my own music. I am really into using original samples for nostalgia. I will have some of my own stuff in there ranging from many different sounds and instruments.

    I already have FL Studio 8 and sound editting software but other ideas are a bonus.

    What type of hardware should I buy? I was hoping to find a keyboard that usb or midi to my pc and could d/l programmable samples.

    What other stuff would I need?

    Be specific. I in need of brand names and models.

    And in the US we are dumber than politics and thus landed in a recession... I am affected by it... so I can't go expensive but I am listening to whatever you can throw.

    Thanks! :mrgreen:

  3. dude this remix is great! you did a good job, you have a lot of talent, i hope to see more from you. i feel real fortunate to be one to find something as rare as this and i am happy to add this to my collection it will be listened to and every time i see it i'll remember how i got it and who was the man the made it!! thank you a lot and i hope to see this added to OC! peace my brother. :mrgreen::grin:

  4. well, when i am not recovering files from recent HD crashes, i was gaming on the dbzone server... that's one bad ass server meng..... team play is off. it's the only server that allows coop w/out teamplay. it's fun getting the bfg and sneaking back behind the spawn points :D

  5. "Online Multiplayer Doom! The ultimate first person shooter experience, based on the original doom. Play multiplayer against your friends online! Based on ZDoom, this port will allow you to hook up and play with other DOOM players the same way you do in any modern FPS. Create a ZDaemon account and keep track of your progress and watch as you slowly gain experience and levels the more you play. Up to sixteen players can join in an all out fragfest or four players working together to stay alive can revisit classic DOOM & DOOM II levels." - ZDaemon.org

    I tried zdoom and skulltag. They don't have the servers available like ZDaemon. As far as Legacy, it's really mostly for single player unless you want to connect to a single hosted server.

    ZDaemon has over 400 servers to connect to which auto-search and download wads if you don't have them. There's a buddy list, favorites section, chat, many players... I am just trying to help build up the community on a old skool game that's now multiplayer user friendly.

    If you guys are interested in joining me, I am on there as adamsmasher.

  6. So plagiarism is OK, even against the owner's wishes, as long as you name them? :|

    look, all i am saying is that it's a remix. we're already ripping the song off in the first place. if it was not a really creative remix then it shouldn't be accepted. however, samples from the original should be allowed to be remixed up.

    when a song from a famous rock/rap/metal artist is remixed, it normally contains original elements. if the song is entirely rewritten, it's still good, however, i believe something important is lost. :banghead:

  7. For any of you old skool 32-bit freaks out there that love fragging people, I play doom multiplayer on the program called zdaemon, google it.

    it's definite good times... FFA, CTF, coops, deathmatches, survival and more...

    i play online as adamsmasher ........ look me up and add me as a buddy if you get it!

    .......... by the way.... did i mention it's free?

    i'm throwing those pay-to-play MMO's out the window. I never wasted a cent.

  8. hey THAT IS GREAT! I can't wait to hear it! i've been looking forward to someone doing this for awhile. now, i just hope DJ Pretzel isn't going to give you hell about uploading it. He is a hero to me for what he's done with this site... but he needs to losen up his tie.

  9. Yes. Someone remixed it, it was judged, accepted, then vetoed because of some of the samples were from an old TV show, removed, then brought back again due to changes in the submissions and acceptance rules, then vetoed again because of concerns about plagiarism, the member was asked to provide his WIPs, he couldn't, the remix was removed permanently, and the remixer was banned for life.

    So, yeah, lots of new stuff. You just missed all of it.

    wow man, wayyyy too strict... a remix is a remix. they are getting way too technical. someones work went into that.... did you manage to download it? :}

  10. The intro music is pretty cool, i could do it on guitar.... i have to admit though, it wouldn't be worthy of OCR... maybe OverlookedRemix would take it haha... i am slightly jealous of the ones with all the gear and not using it!!

  11. Let's see, it'd have to be Space Invaders or Asteroids for the good ol' Atari. I remember my parents coming home with the system, and then sending me to bed so they could play it all night. Then the next day I took it over, and I've been into games ever since. I believe I was 4 years old at the time. :)

    That would make you 28 or 29... :tomatoface:

  12. that's great man... i've been looking around for a vay remix on other sites but i've had no avail.

    i am also a musician, i play guitar mostly, i am also interested in remixing vgm someday. i need the equipment though... i believe it to be some expensive stuff..... money is a drag :|

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