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Posts posted by Korzinski

  1. You guys rush stuff like a Halo 2 remix up, maybe its because you liked the soundtrack or other reasons, but Namcos Ace Combat series has been living strong for such a long time, and when I orginally came to this site was very, VERY, disappointed to see absolutely no remixes of any song from any of the 8 games. Am I the only person who thought the series had an amazing musical score? Nobody here liked the soundtrack enough to care for a remix? I mean gosh, a bad game like Chaos Legion (Which I did play, sadly) got an amazing remix, but nothing from a series that's been around for nearly 10 years?

    Maybe I'm just nerd rageing, but I'm confused, where's the love?

  2. After Beating Solo-Wing Pixy in Ace Combat Zero and watching the final cutscenes of the narrator, the journalist, with his final interviews of all the ace squadron commanders you shot down during the war. I was crying pretty hard, that and the credits. Never cried harder in my life........I've even a few tears filling up right now just thinking about it.

    That and defeating Loki at the special ending of Valkyrie Profile 1 and watching her rebirth the world.

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