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Everything posted by nohansen22

  1. I find it hard to believe how Twilight Princess could've crushed anybody's Zelda hopes. The game played it quite safe as far as its visual presentation was concerned, and on top of that, it was actually and not-so-surprisingly a great game. We all have different opinions, but I don't think I've encountered anyone before who's mentioned having their hopes "crushed" by Twilight Princess. Wind Waker, I can understand. Fantastic game, don't get me wrong, but WW rocked the boat and alienated people much more than TP ever could've hoped.
  2. I absolutely agree. I've also got some ideas regarding a modern-set Zelda theme, and even in the extensive realm of both crappy and non-crappy fan fiction, I've come across some really interesting ideas. Simply put, if handled properly by intelligent writers with foresight and good planning, a new Zelda game could really benefit from a new, modern setting that draws heavily upon Zelda mythology and how it comes into play in the modern world. Time elements could be extensively used, and the blending of modern and medieval settings could be very engaging. Alas, Nintendo has never been known for its unique and novel story-writing, so I won't hold my breath.
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