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  1. it's been a long time, so I am bringing you a little something, still not finished, mastered or in any way complete, but here it is (sorry folks but I have been playing Resident evil 5 too much) I did finish a remix for Batman and another one for resident evil, but decided not to send it to OCR... well I don't think I ever will submit anything ever again, but I still love videogames and their music so... this here is a guildwars thingie, I enjoyed this game much much in the past year, and while it's not as involved as other MMOs this game rox your boxor! so give it a listen, let me know what you want me to change and I just might oooo here is the linkage or link http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=456 enjoy, if anyone plays Guildwars here, find me as Ormus Delamar
  2. we want mp3 we want mp3! :nicework: I love this
  3. I have always liked your stuff gecko, I am enjoying this techno/punjabi club type thing, one thing that has always perplexed me is why hasn't anyone ever thought of just adding some hindi style vocals to a song dedicated to dhalsim? this one could be saucy with a couple samples of some hindi singing, you know, in any case this one is a very nice theme and I feel pumped up by hearing it
  4. well with work (one has to eat, and I am saving up to buy a new car to replace my aging truck) this may take me a few days, but I plan on maybe a few additions around the middle, perhaps even a sound effect from the game, like the power up that is if I don't go back to my resident evil 5 project oh and here is the original, I know I forgot to put it up
  5. I think this is the direction I want to take with this one, I still want to use different things for it but the rough cut is here for your listen http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=88 I know I am not a master but I truly love videogame music
  6. just finished and uploaded a final version, hopefully someone will listen, I am going to sleep now
  7. just something I started messing with, it is still rough but I am going to make lots of changes, here it is, LOL beed trying to upload this for like 3 hours) link: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=43 hope it works ok just uploaded a tentative final, hope you like
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