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Posts posted by chapstick_chick

  1. I know it would be kind of difficult to do any kind of remix from the Bioshock games since the music is very unique... but it might be a good challenge for someone! There don't seem to be any on OC remix yet from either 1 or 2. I know a lot of people don't prefer the second game, but the music was by the same guy for both games, I believe. Anywayyy, it's lovely creepy stuff.. so any mix would be awesome. the two themes would be especially good.


    Bioshock 1:

    Bioshock 2:


  2. So... that's basically awesome. :D

    Dear Chapstick,

    I read you post; listened to the song from Twilight Princess; took your suggestion to heart. Unfortunately I am only doing Ocarina of Time orchestrations for OCRemix.org right now. I submitted a track similar to what you are asking for but I'm told to wait two to three months (wow) before I know for sure if the sight is interested in accepting it. But just for you I'll drop a stream link. Tell me if this is what you are looking for... if you are even still looking. Just follow the link (pop-up).

    AmR - Calling the Water (Serenade of Water)

  3. For some odd reason, I liked Crisis Core better than Final Fantasy 7 itself. I thought the storyline of Final Fantasy 7 was just odd and didn't make sense until I played FF7 CC. Since Crisis Core was released, I feel that any media FF7 related can stand on its own two feet; even without the "Final Fantasy" title in its name. Of course, due to the legacy the original Playstation game left, any game in the storyline will always be known as FF7.

    I agree... I really liked FF7 and everything, but I LOVED Crisis Core. And really, I like FF7 a LOT more now that I've played CC-- it helped fill in a hell of a lot of plot-holes that they just didn't bother with in the original game.

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