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Everything posted by SteveHart

  1. .... "hello... is there anybody out there" Hello, I thought this might be one of the very few places where it might be suitable to share this. (since video game compositions have a big place in my heart) My name's Steve and I've just completed my 4th album of my own music and I'd just like to try and get it out to there to the people who might get a kick out of this stuff... if they're out there hehe. It's called 'King's Karpet' and I'm not sure what to say about it as a whole... but you can go here to listen to some of the tracks from the album: http://www.youtube.com/user/SteveHartguitar Track Listings: 1. Crocodile Face (4:50) 2. Blue Mist (6:17) 3. Underwater Forest (3:59) 4. Wonderful Fear of the Ocean mov.1 PlonkTonk (5:29) 5. Mahevac (3:09) 6. Path of the Damned (mov. 1) (11:16) 7. Path of the Damned (mov. 2) (22:56) 8. King's Karpet (14:36) 9. Clang (2:13) 10. E.T's First Microphone (2:54) 11. Clock Liquid (6:46) Well, feel free to come check it out. Thanks for reading. -Steve
  2. Hey there, I read your post about wanting a composer for your site. I realize it was written quite along time ago but I like the proposition so much I thought 'why not try my luck'. So if you're still looking for a composer I'd be interested in working with you. Oh and yep I'm heavily influenced by video game music alright. Here's my music site mabye you'll hear what I mean ;) : http://www.reverbnation.com/stevehartguitarist

    Ok so just let me know if you'd be interested.

    (here's my e-mail address : steve_hart_guitarist@hotmail.co.uk)


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