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Thanks - I should've known that, but I've forgotten most theory from my GCSE days. Yes, that's exactly what I'd need, but I only have silver and can't seem to find Gold anywhere, and I'm sure as hell not paying for Gold. Seems like I'm stuck for now.
Yeah that's what I meant - it plays them on a single stroke rather than going up and down.
Thanks Jago! Have you got any tips on how to play in the violin using a midi keyboard? I've seen some demonstrations (on other programs, though) where the person uses the modulation wheel and sometimes the pitch wheel to make notes sound more realistically played, but have no idea how to do this myself.
Cubase SX 3 - I've got some instructional videos on how to improve my skills with that program, but not with the VSTs themselves. Also, I've tried Garritan with little success (it often sounds too quiet) - I'm very new to it though. Any tips on making the orchestra sound great? Do you play them in or click them in? And does EWQLSO have the option to make several notes be played on a single stroke of a violin, for instance? Sorry for the torrent of questions, but I'd like to know exactly how I can get this sounding right
I'm pretty amateur by the standards of the people here, but I've made some decent sounding tunes in Cubase and know at least the basics of composing. The first thing would be to get a sequencer and some good instruments (I'd suggest Sampletank). I did music at GCSE and got a decent grade in it, but to be honest, I've forgotten most of the theory. All I do is think if I want a piece to sound major, minor or anticipating (I think it's called a seventh chord but don't quote me on that) for an end of a phrase and then plot the chord. Just plot three or four notes in, if it sounds wrong, shift a couple of notes until is sounds like what you have in your head. Then, figure out the notes that work with that chord (they'll clash quite clearly if you have a good ear for sound) and make a tune around it. Another method of getting chords right, if you have a midi keyboard, is to start on the first note and then build up from there, going one note at a time while holding the previous note down still. Again, this is pretty basic, but if you've never composed before, it's a good way I've found to make something decent even with little experience. Then, once you've gotten used to composing, come back for more advice (as I'm doing) and then take your mixing to the next step. The first step is imagining how something sounds and plotting it bar by bar, if you're like me and can barely play. If you can, then just learn the chords and base your song around those instead. Good luck!
Ok, so I've been improving with the sound of my compositions overall, but I just can't seem to get orchestras sounding right. I KNOW it's possible to create a great sounding orchestra using nothing but VSTs, but every time I input a note it just seems to play it individually and sounds very artificial. I have Sampletank 2 which has some nice samples of an orchestra, and with some time I could get the composition and all the parts right, but without the instruments themselves sounding perfect, there's little point in going to the effort of composing a tune only to have it sound completely artificial. I may get a midi keyboard if that would help, as currently I plot each note individually (tedious, but it sounds accurate with other instruments). If that's the problem and playing each part on a keyboard would solve it then fine, I'll get that, but I'd rather have some professional advice. Can anyone offer me any advice at all, no matter how minor? It'd be a great help. Also, if there are any suggested VSTs that you have used to compose an orchestra in a sequencer, then don't hesitate to recommend them here. Thanks!
Sorry about making this thread - I've just discovered I can't physically continue the project at the moment I'm playing around with some new string VSTs I found lying on my computer, and now the whole thing slows down to a crawl! This is so frustrating! The only additional instrument I seem to be able to use at the moment is a piano with no effects on top. The end bit (the bit that needs the most work and has the most parts) just won't play at all now for some reason, even if I undo the changes. To be honest, I'm not surprised. The whole thing was made on a 1.6ghz 1gb ram laptop with no sound card, and now I'm trying to do more stuff, it just can't cope. That said, I have a proper computer at home that's twice the spec of this (at University at the moment so I can't access it), so I may be back in a few months with a reposted, updated version, once I can access that computer and fiddle with the song again. Anyway, I've saved all of your advice into a notepad. Thanks so much - sorry I couldn't produce something to show from all this help P.S. If a mod is on here, could you please close the thread? Thanks. P.P.S. I'll probably work on something simple and if it sounds good enough I'll come back for some more critique. P.P.P.S. Your community here rocks! Ciao for now.
Sorry - here is the original:
Crappy computer refuses to let me do any more. Sounds like this
Whoops - I could've sword I updated it... anyway: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/214112
Well, here's the finished version: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/213960 I'm not going to tinker with it much more because I think I've done enough to it, so any criticism, but I won't be doing anything major to it
Here's the version with some of the suggested changes: (EDIT): I've decided I like the other drums better with an added effect which makes them sound much cleaner. They're exactly the same drums but they sound cleaner. Alternative drums, though it's my fault, didn't work. The end result is below, but the bass drum is too loud (though easily solved) and the snare is too basic (not easily solved as I couldn't find a better one). I like the drums how they are now, though I'm still open to criticism. I've taken on board simplifying some sections and, thanks to hewhoisiam, the drums do sound much better regardless of new samples or not, so cheers (DECIDED NOT TO USE): http://rapidshare.com/files/198991963/SAMPLE-06.mp3 or http://www.mediafire.com/?iycmtizqhdn (USING): http://rapidshare.com/files/199008123/SAMPLE-07.mp3 or http://www.mediafire.com/?guk2kn4zgmn - Changed drums overall to have them more clear sounding with an effect (I forgot the name), while still keeping the original samples as alternative samples weren't as good (see sample 06). - The bass drum is heavier, thanks to an added effect, and now has a greater role. - Removed some excessive drum fills (notably at 1:06 and 1:47). Kept ones that fit the piece, (such as the one at 1:36) - Made lead guitar more audible throughout - it now takes centre over the original synth. - Right at the end has an experiment with two harmonized guitars (very early stage) - I intend to keep these at the same place and build upon it, but any feedback would be grateful. - Removed the synth at 1:20 and gradually brought it back in (thank you Skummel Maske - it worked a treat ) Nothing done to the bass yet, but I plan to. I plan to put something between the bass/drum gaps rather than omit them completely. Also, no new parts have been made yet, but again I plan to. Thoughts?
Ooooh, Ok, I thought I would have to remove the entire Bass part. I see where you're coming from now - I'll put some of the faster parts onto another guitar and leave the bass more basic in those areas. I was thinking of harmonizing two guitars towards the end, also. I have a couple of great samples for the drums, I just need to convert them over. Thanks a lot for your input - hopefully I can make the piece much better with it I'll update this thread with the new version once I get round to doing it.
Any suggested VSTs for the drums? That's the heaviest set I could find on Sampletank :/ I'll try recording a second guitar, but I'm a poor player and VSTs don't do the guitar justice. I'll fix the dynamics so one part is more prominent. I was thinking the drums got a bit too hectic at times, so I was planning on toning them down, but in all honesty I thought they sounded fine. Still, I'll gladly change them if someone can point out a heavier VST. Thanks for the feedback!
I hate to bump my own thread, but can anyone give me some feedback before I finish? :/