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Everything posted by TheMicrophoneGuy

  1. Anyone have any experience with good firewire audio interfaces while I'm at it? These things seem pretty durable, so I think I'm going to try to find a used one on ebay or craigslist
  2. Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate the help.
  3. So there's no way to get good recordings with my laptop? I mean, it's better than my desktop, I already have my sequencer set up, and my desktop is pretty loud if you make it do anything. Plus I couldn't very easily move my desktop with my to go record. I mean, is there any other solution?
  4. I think I'm going to have to stick to a usb interface, all my software is set up on my laptop, and transferring it to my desktop wouldn't be the easiest thing. So, is the mobile pre decent or no?
  5. I'm really new to this, but I have even less knowledge about computers. Something tells me I wouldn't be able to figure out how to work something that wasn't as retardedly easy as USB. I mean, is it a lot better quality using something else?
  6. Well, I guess around 200, but less is better.
  7. well bummer. any recommendations on one to get? all I've ever used is this old m audio fasttrack, which isn't good from what ive been told.
  8. Alright thanks. Sorry, I don't really know anything about this stuff
  9. Hey, I'm getting an AKG 220 I think and a preamp to go with it because I don't have anything that delivers phantom power. My question is, do you really need a preamp with digital mixers? Could I just find a freeware preamp VST to use instead? I don't know much about this. Sorry.
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