Wow, very insightful and detailed post. Thats probably some of the best constructive criticism I've gotten in a long time and for the most part I agree. I'm a musician first and a business man second so I'm always looking for ways to step up my game. I'm really happy you took the time to listen and review it.
I stuck to the 8 bit samples for Powerglove for the enthusiasts (like a few of my friends) but when I start to do remixes I am going to use better samples for sure. In response to dynamics...ya know, when I program drums, I can do great things with velocities but it was never an issue with other instruments and to tell ya the truth I dont know why because, if anything, they deserve it more. So thank you, I think that will add a different dimension to the melodic side of my new material.
The only defense I will take is about the repetition. A few of the instrumentals you listed were intended to be hip hop/rap beats where there are multiple verses, repetition in vocals, etc. Its not that melodic variation wouldn't make it better but it's not necessarily something that the "buyer" picks up on 90% of the time. I have to unfortunately agree that that very notion has a tendency to spill over into my other projects as well, so I'll watch that in the future.
Like I said, I appreciate taking the time to do that so I wanted to come back and write a coherent response instead of "thanks for listening" lol.