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    Oak Creek, WI
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    Electrical Engineer

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  1. Awesome...thank you. I didn't realize that there were so many remixes in other locations as well, but I guess this site only has the stuff that people post here. I don't suppose you know of any other locations other than this one and the one that you posted in the Dragon Warrior thread that would have music for the original Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, or more from the first three Dragon Warriors would you?
  2. Well I went back to that website and found several other Dragon Warrior tunes but if you know of any not on that site then please let me know. I especially like the Malroth one.
  3. Awesome. Thanks for the "Experiences" tune and thank you for the link to the "Children of Erdrick" thread. I hope something comes of that. Has any other DW2 music been posted anywhere?
  4. (Forgive me for posting this twice but the title of my other thread didn't indicate that there would be another request.) I'd love it if someone could take a stab at the ending theme to the original NES version of Mega Man. It's track 16 on the file located here: http://www.zophar.net/music/nsf/mega-man-.html Something rock/syntho would be the obvious choice but again I think that people are more creative when left up to their own devices. I know that I've been blown away by some of the remixes here that have gone in directions that I'd never think of.
  5. I really love the Dragon Warrior games and I've noticed that no one has remixed the overworld theme from Dragon Warrior 2. It's track 5 on the file located here: http://www.zophar.net/music/nsf/dragon-quest-2.html Something orchestral would be cool but any ideas that anyone has would be great. <b>...more</b> I'd love it if someone could also take a stab at the ending theme to the original NES version of Mega Man. It's track 16 on the file located here: http://www.zophar.net/music/nsf/mega-man-.html Something rock/syntho would be the obvious choice but again I think that people are more creative when left up to their own devices. I know that I've been blown away by some of the remixes here that have gone in directions that I'd never think of.
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