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Posts posted by zac95

  1. Thank you, nameless bot, but its that kind of lax in judgment that gets credit cards stolen and desktops hijacked. It really happens and its horrible and no one should have to go through it because it activates on 4/1.

    your hillarious

    it is 4/1 and nothing has happened

    my australian friend from the future....where it is 4/2 says nothing happened also


    it wont hijack your desktop

    it wont steal your credit cards

    and kitashi....

    it better leave my porn alone


    and its no big deal to wipe a hard disk and reinstall windows

    i do it every other month or so because i have windows 7 beta

    so truly its no big deal even if it happend, backup.reinstall.restore.done

    these threats happen every year.... just some retarded teenager being an idiot

  2. seriously...

    this is a joke

    do you guys realise this virus is already a year old

    also.... its just another little anarchist bastard

    no true knowledge enough to do anything dangerous

    nothing will happen th4ese scares happen every year

    im sitting here listening to mettalica and downloading a patch for crysis

    and the front page thing is a web host that didnt get payed. simple

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