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Everything posted by Anarchist

  1. Sounds great! (excuse the pun)
  2. Sweet! I can't wait to hear back from you! MP3 Linky: http://www.nexit.com.au/common/SimpleStars.mp3 Game Linky: http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/546/Fuzzys+World+of+Miniature+Space+Golf.html The Level i'm talking about is technically level 1 - Simple Stars. Fire it up, go into Play, select 18 holes. There are a few other tunes in there that are fun too? Feel free to have a stab at them Thanks again
  3. Hi, Theres a game I used to play in DOS many years ago - Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf; Yeh, the title is dopey, but it kills a few minutes when you're bored. The track to level one however is really good. I've managed to record from DOS into an MP3, but the sound quality is horriffic. I'm wondering if anyone would remix or remaster this one track for me? I'm willing to pay $ for this, because I've been wanting it for so long. I can supply the MP3 and a link to download the game (now Abandonware). Hope I hear from someone
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