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Everything posted by Zeth

  1. sweet deal cant wait to see the art :3
  2. Hey hows it going guys, im typically a lurker when it comes the forums and just glance about but i think it would be pretty sweet to contribute to this epic en devour =3 I do digital painting and would like to do some art for the album when i get some free time. Curious to know how i should send any art for the project and ofcourse if thats cool with you guys :3 Either way can't wait to hear this album when it finally gets finished whenever that may be!!!
  3. i realize this might be sort of late; i'm also a first time poster on OCR thou i've lurked for a bit ;P. Anyways, i'd love to see some tutorials on arrangement, or perhaps a series of you just recording your workflow throughout an entire piece. Think it would be invaluable to us starting out . On a side note, have you considered livestreaming you working on a project? Maybe something small on your off time. Either way, thanks for all of the video tutorials, tip compendium, buyer tips and guides, downloadable synth and sample lists and everything you've contributed to all of us. You sir are "THE SHIT" & i can't stress that enough ;D
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