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  1. Thanks for the advice, Sorry I was just trying to make a friendly introduction, i'm not asking for mixing advice, i'm just after advice on how the community operates in general. No need to flame! But it is my first post, and i wasn't exactly clear so I can expect it no hard feelings
  2. Hi I just registered and didn't know where to post this. I'm primarily a guitarist mainly jazz and rock from Newcastle UK, really weird combination I know. I've been transcribing game soundtracks for a many years for fun thought i was bit mental for doing it but oh well.... Found VGmusic.com a few years ago and realised wasn't that mad (still bit off in other areas tho haha). Had visited this site b4 but found the site again after the release of SSF2HDR soundtrack (thats some good publicity BTW) and just wanted to know how to get involved. I currently use SONAR 6 Producer Edition for recording most of my stuff and I am mainly interested in CAPCOM Arcade fighters, NES and Genesis themes (i know the PSG and YM2151 get a bit of a bad rap tho). Any advice would be helpful, thanks for taking the time to read
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