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Posts posted by codename_goose

  1. yes, i would like nothing more than to show people how great the artists are, but i need permission to do so. it wouldn't be right posting stuff without someones consent. I also couldn't choose, so the artists that want to, please let me know if that is ok, that would be great. :)

  2. thanks for the pep talk. been out of English class for some time, sorry bout that. Now if people would let me know if they would like to be posted on it, that would be nice. i don't want to post that stuff, unless they let me know.

  3. wow i didn't think i would get that kind of conversation over one little, tiny, insignificant blog. i am just starting out, so you will probably mock me for that too. :P. Just thought i would spread the word any way i could even if it didn't amount to anything i figured that people would still appreciate the effort, i will post my blog when it looks presentable, is that ok? Right now it's nothing more than crap, be that as it may, i'm content with not doing it, cause i feel like no one will enjoy/like/appreciate the work i did/do

  4. @ linkspast i'm sorry if i offended you

    i just wanted to show the love is all and if that offends people then i wont. i have a few connections but i guess that wont matter. so if you want to fine, if not that's ok too, i just didn't want people to be all out of sorts by my asking. would people rather i just posted stuff about them or ask them first? that's my peace, and that's it.

  5. well it seems i need to help spread the word to the masses ASAP :!:, i was thinking, that maybe since i have a blog i started that maybe people might help spread the word too. i love this site and will help in a way that is feasible at this time for me, while still trying to help out. i've sent an e-mail requesting a small logo for it. if anyone would like me to link to their homepage or whatnot including works, that they would like to flaunt, post it here. if you need to get in touch send it to my PM thanks bunches for the great work, keep it going, oh and happy B-day ya'll

  6. i know this might sound like a request but assure you, that i' only asking a quick question. Why is it that, just as an option mind you, there isn't a section to put, say DTS, DD, or even just 5.1 mixes of tracks? this being said i know the size requirements for submitting said tracks and the time it would take to have more than just stereo sound at 320kbs.

    the reason behind this question, being at my work, we have audio rooms that we demo equipment in, and having surround sound at my disposal i would like to use really nice mixes as demos. Getting people to hear the music and tell them about OCReMix is also a great way to get people on the site.

    thanks for reading,


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