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  1. i emailed the guy who got the anwsers and he told me the ones he got 1 was sword 2 was blanket 4 was intensity
  2. it doesn't say them. I want to know!!!
  3. they posted the next two and I have no idea. the third clue is batmen, but maybe like a particeular artist? Id like to get like one of them right
  4. i was readin the comments on it and i think it was the black adder so thnx. but someone got the answer already so now I'll go work on the next riddle ty again
  5. no i saw it in someon's sig on a gaming forum.
  6. Okay so i spotted this new blog up today and checked it out. it's some kind of riddle but I'm not sure what to do and i can't get the answer. help anyone? the blog link is http://aphasiagame.blogspot.com/ and the clue is a link to a picture of a soldeir? ty very much
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